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Zhejiang - Çin | 21.5.2024 | OrderID:198260 / Three system Computerized Flat Knitting Machine

Three system Computerized Flat Knitting Machine [ Satýþ ]

Three system Computerized Flat Knitting Machine


Three system Computerized Flat Knitting Machine Series QL-352M QL-366M QL-372M QL-380M Triple system, this series have two models: with comb and without comb, with digital technology, it could implement the rib transfer, jacquard, needle narrowing and other weaving functions. also, it can knit basic knitting(full needle, single side) the weft knitted fabric like cable stitch. this applies to spun silk, synthetic filament, wool, acrylic, blendin

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Tongxiang Qianglong Machinery Co., Ltd.
Zhejiang - Çin


Ürün Adý : Three system Computerized Flat Knitting Machine

Gösterim : 547

Teklif Sayýsý : 0

Açýklama :

Three system Computerized Flat Knitting Machine Series QL-352M QL-366M QL-372M QL-380M Triple system, this series have two models: with comb and without comb, with digital technology, it could implement the rib transfer, jacquard, needle narrowing and other weaving functions. also, it can knit basic knitting(full needle, single side) the weft knitted fabric like cable stitch. this applies to spun silk, synthetic filament, wool, acrylic, blendin

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Firma Bilgileri Sayfasý

Three system Computerized Flat Knitting Machine

Firma Adý : Tongxiang Qianglong Machinery Co., Ltd.

Firma Tipi : Ýhracatçý

Ülke : Zhejiang / Çin

Kuruluþ Yýlý : Zhejiang / Çin

Adres : No. 4068, Kaixuan Road, Wutong Street, Tongxiang City, Jiaxing City, Zhejiang / Zhejiang / Çin

Çalýþan Sayýsý : 100-500

Yýllýk Ciro : 10-50 Million US$

Yetkili : MACHINERY CO., LTD. TONGXIANG QIANGLONG ( 3D Flyknit Knitting Machine )

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Telefon : +86-573-89809666

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Firma Hakkýnda
QiangLong Machinery Co. , Ltd. is a national high-tech enterprise mainly specialized in designing , developing , and manufacturing Knitting Machinery. The company is located in New & Hightech Industrial Park in the city of Tongxiang , which is one of the national historic and cultural cities. QiangLong covers an area of over60 , 000 square meters and the floor area of 80 , 000 square meters. Based on independent innovation and considerate service , QiangL

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